SettingSteel SpearGear

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

When the trip brings Lemons...

We headed out of Bayfront yesterday for a spearfishing quicky. The boat "2-tiny-2-sea" was as its name implys- tight, so the crew was tight as well. Fur had done some work on her and wanted to see the results, so we decided to make a quick run, and see what the long weekend had left us with. Gotta say the weather was nice for spearfishing, seas under 1', water warmed to a rashguard, winds under 5mph...the 2-t-2-s made the run across the bay like a pro, as hi fives proceeded, our first spearfishing drop was out of Ceasars Creek. This is an area we always want to explore, but never get around to it, so today we decided to spearfish it. Viz was "so-so" that is about 5-10' and current was pushing pretty hard, but do-able. We managed a 'go and mut', before deciding to head out to some clearer waters.
Hopping back in the boat we-hi fived- again, happy to see 2-t-2-s was behaving like a pro, throttled her up, waypoint entered, and off to our next spearfishing spot "Turtle-Ledge" a nice spot in 60'ish that held illusion of massive mutton snapper......rrrrrrrmmmmmmmmm off we go, ppppppppffffffffffff....engine fails, yikes!

Fur got all analytical and ran an inspection; worriedly looks over at me and says" We're f$&*cked" pristine day, seas under 1- and we're drifting back towards Ceasars....and muttons in the distance jumping outa the water saying...Hahahaha you can't get me!!! We dropped the claw in all of 10' of water and start strategizing a plan, a minute later we iron out the details, a few quick calls- and good'ol Sam, Furs bud says he'll come out and get us. SAM'S A CHAMP!!!

Right about the time Fur, starts feeling sorry for the unexpected casualty....I turn around and say,"Dude when life gives you lemons..." and jump inside the water, "make some lemonade" as I swam away. It didn't take long to find a nice little reef (in 10' water) that had abundant sea life, and a new lobster hole (over 20 in one spot-read as a new waypoint-named LobsticoFantastico), a little more swimming around, and a 24" red grouper comes up to say hi. By then the Fur was in too- making some lemonade- as he removed a nice hog off his shaft. We continued spearfishing our new Bayfront hole...and Fur managed to pull another nice toad this one was about 22"....Swam to the boat, checked our phones (remember we're stranded out there) and decided to pull up the hook and "cruise on over" (motorless) to another spot. Seems the sea g_ds were with us (somewhat) as the drift was moving perfectly to some other nice bottom. As we approached a sweet spot I told Fur to anchor up, as the spot looked very inviting and the hunt began again. This spot was full of fish, in some skinny water I may add. It was pretty interesting as the hogs were behaving like blacks, realllllll skittish....I must have seen about 4-5 hogs over 20", but passed on them as I was looking for some 14-16" fryer hogs....also saw a mutton that was well over 20", but was in high gear when spotted. Although the viz was all of 5' feet, we managed to tag a few other fish, including a 5' Cuda before the weather started to get fugly. And not a minute to soon as Fur had Sam on the radio spilling his coordinates (which is now a new spearfishing waypoint in Elliot Key-waypoint name is ShaloHog)...the whole story of the pick-up is just that, another WHOLE story. In a nutshell, we made some new spearing friends, and arrived at Bayfront before dark, and just in time to steak up one of the reds and enjoy in a mango teriyaki sauce....So when life gives you lemons....make some Red Grouper in Mango Teriyaki sauce or lemonade, whatever!

Till next spearfishing report, tight bands, straight shafts, and smooooooooth triggers!


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