Its finally here next week Sheri Daye will be hosting the 5th Annual Spearfishing, er umm I mean Dive annual event that can't be missed....everyone who dives, spearfishes, or just downright likes the water should put it on their calender for next Saturday and Sunday May 28-29 its a spearfishing expo packed with Spearfi

shing events, Its at the Broward Convention Center Check out this amazing schedule Bluewild Spearfishing Expo is the best yet check out the speakers their will be spearfishing seminars on hunting underwater, tips on how to be a better spearo, spearfishing and dive safety, how to get more lobsters, how to spearfish from a kayak, how to dive deeper and yep I'll be there too...Sheri invited me to do a workshop on gun builds (with a beautiful smile like that, how could I refuse ;p )So we'll have a Speargun Build 101 workshop, I'll have a pretty cut and dry checklist sheet on tools, best methods, best speargun designs, and simple techniques on how to make your own speargun, and I'

m throwing in some free goods too....The Bluewild Dive Expo is an event that can't be missed come on out and show your support...A host of spearfishing celebrities will be there- Art Pinder, Manny Puig, and of course Miss Daye, to name a few! Lots of free spearfishing stuff, raffles and partying will be circulating here's a link if you want to stay the weekend and as though that wasn't enough a competition will be held on Memorial Day classy....come on and join the fun next spearfishing report, tight bands, straight shafts, and smooooooooth triggers!
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