For awhile friends have been telling to come up with a simple homemade Gopro bracket to use on their spearguns. So as an Industrial Designer, I figured that would be an easy thing….but not exactly. Sure I came up with lots of designs , many which were already out there, and others that were not. The only problem with these Go Pro spear fishing gun mounts is that, well none were easy to make with just some simple tools….so back to the drawing board. The idea was to make a GoPro bracket to fit most spearguns, with the least amount of tools and the least amount of work, the least amount of moving parts, of course inexpensive, and finally, in the least amount of time, I mean com’on we want to spend more time shooting fish- not making Gopro brackets from home-right?
Soooo whats the best and
easiest gopro bracket for a spear gun? You tell me………Since its a bit of a hassle loading lots of pictures on this spearfishing blog, go to my Facebook page and under the albums section see Easy GoPro Speargun bracket….and of course hit me with some LIKE love if you found it helpful
5″ Stainless 1/4″ bolt
So now you have your bolt, washers and nuts, optionally you may want a Wing nut too for easy on/off of your GoPro spearfishing speargun mount.
Next get your bolt cut the head off as close as possible to the actual head and cut a shallow (1/16″ deep) notch about 7/8″ from the end of the bolt
Grind the end of the cut head to a taper, as you will later need to screw a nut to that end
Wrap the tip with tape so as to not ruin threads place it in a vise and slowly bend it at the notch to a 90 degree angle (see my Facebook album for more pix) then grind at the bend to clean up any sharp edges
Next drill a 1/4″ hole thru your gun handle.
Get the 90 degree bent bolt screw your nut on then add your finish washer and finally your lock washer, Insert the long end of the bolt thru the handle and place your lock washer, finish washer and end not on the bolt . Get an adjustable wrench and vise grip to tighten
Now on the 90 degree bend (that’s the short end) screw on your nut and your finish washer. Next get your GoPro an screw it on that short end (you may need to bore out the hole on the mounting bracket just a tad). Finally either put an end nut screwed to the top securing the GoPro to your spear gun bracket, or a wing nut if you want to take it on/off easier.
So there you have it an easy DIY spearfishing gun bracket perfect for your GoPro- very simple and cheap (under$10) to make right outa your home, man cave or garage…this mount will take less than an hour to make with some simple tools, and will work with a little modification on any type guns- Riffe, CressiSub, Wong, Aimrite, Beuchat, Salvimar,Rob Allen, Mares, even the cheapo Mako , as well as all Euro spearguns and mid handles….and all the SettingSteel guns just include it with your order and for an extra $20 it’ll ship already installed to your Euro carbon fiber enclosed spear gun- be it the Sliver, Stone Stik, Halfbreed or our newest (out in2013) Freak gun…..oh and remeber go to go into the albums for a full clear DIY pictorial on a GoPro speargun mount!
Till next spearfishing report, tight bands, straight shafts, and smooooooooth triggers!
Thanks bud!! Took me less than an hour to find the parts, cut, bend and fit to my gun! Works great and cost me less than 1$ !!