Well as you all know are websites been up for a few months (after a
year and some back and forth with web designers, and the "web designer
peanut gallery"-you know who you guys, and gals are lol) we are on the
web, and before you can say woohoo....we are changing a few of our
product offerings either because our suppliers/vendors no longer carry
the merchandise, or we can't get the products at a discounted price or
just (painfully so) not enough demand. Rather than going through
another few months of "rewebbing" our site to reflect these changes we
have decided to list them here for now and hopefully (read as probably
in the next few years)at one point or another we'll make the changes on
our actual site (ps don't hold your breath on that one)
The Ghost Gun,
unfortunately we do not have access to this space age material due to a
prohibitively how cost of producing the material/speargun, but we may
in the future (and if it meets our quality standards) produce this same
spear gun in an polycarbonate mix...we'll let you know as the GHOST GUN
may very well reappear (pun intended).
Bluewater Stone Staff with Flying Shaft a
great concept, and a great design but just not enough demand, although
we've had a few spearo's really liking the stone staff it seems for now
not enough of an interest in bluewater pole spearing, so we're gonna
pull this one off the shelf till further notice.
El Cheapo Dive Knife
After a long deliberation (with our vendor lol) El cheapo couldn't be
had at a cheapo price so this ones off the shelf (or potential shelf as
we never really made it past a vendor sample) too.
Chum Can This is another coulda woulda didn't make it :( guess nothing beats the tried and true $1.00 mesh bag).
Mantis Muzzle A
great muzzle but just not enough demand, so we are rethinking this baby
while addressing the annoying "band flip" associated with multiple
bands-stay tuned for updates!
Nile-Tec, Alexander, or Wong Mechanisms We will not carry any of these mechanisms either because of vendor reliability, availability and/or cost.
Spetton Demka, Omer T-20 We will not carry any of these mechanisms either because of vendor reliability and/or availability.
Alexander Aluminum Handle Great handle but just too long a wait, so we won't offer this handle as a choice on our guns.
Heinrich Release just not enough demand for this style line release, so this ones off the shelf too
Beanies hate to say it, but no beanie's- maybe its this Miami weather, but we just don't have enough demand on beanies (weep).
Decals this
ones a shot in the dark, we will only keep a handful of decals in stock
(please call or write for availability before you order), but any order
above 100 might be available.
Finally all our oversees
customers PLEASE read shipping info prior to your order and if you have
any questions please read
We apologize for any inconveniences, any thoughts input on these changes is greatly appreciated.
Till next spearfishing report, tight bands, straight shafts, and smooooooooth triggers!