5 in the am found us loaded up and headed on the 2 hour drive to go spearfishing at one of my favorite Keys, we were hoping on some good viz as the past few days were quite calm- Long Key is notorious for poor viz (compared to most of the other Keys) probably because it sits on the "curve" of the Keys as well as that 3 mile bridge, which serves as a huge funnel for water to run in and out of, as well as its one of the farthest points from Gulf waters.
We decided to put in on the public ramp and make a run to some new spots we had noted on our last trip spearfishing Long key, so we dropped the Raptor in and headed out oceanside....Ahhhhhh NOAA gotta love'em, wind was about 10mph and seas were choppy 2's, with some 3's (later picking up to 15-20 with 3-4's), the Raptor handled them well , the current was strong , but manageable....the viz was saaaweeet everywhere we went it was top to bottom, the water was perfect for me and my rashguard- but the Squirrel found it a bit nippy (giv'em time , he'll man up)!
Our first few spots were nice, but no fish in the house, on our next spot in about 30' we saw quite a few nice fish, including a 30+pound Black Long Key grouper, that I swore could read and write....the boy totally played me, and their I was thinking I was all ninja-like....what a joke! You see the reason I stress a "Long Key" black is that most of the blacks over in Long key, to me seem a bit above average in IQ compared to blacks elsewhere, perhaps its because they get hit more- as this guy had a nice recent mohawk- or its just in the genes. Anyways I was drifting and saw him all lit up about 5 feet above the reef just floating in midwater, I kicked up current about 2-300 yards and planned a drift right towards him...no kicking, no movement, just a "blob" of pure ninja tactico moving in behind him....well to make a long story short as I was about 100' away he dropped to the sand about 15' away from the reef...the plan was for me to drop very close to the reef and clip him over the ledge ( as I thought he'd be half way in his hole, with just his head poking out) Well as I got to the ledge hoping to see him there, he was was gone...PUFFFF!!!! My peripheral caught some movement, and I slowly looked over my shoulder to the left and about 30 feet away I see him pop up for a peek (could of' sworn he smiled, no more like laughed) and bolt back in his "exit" hole....oh well :(
We made a few nice drifts over some good Long key waypoints, that produced a bunch of reef fish, and from their headed out 3 miles to shoot what we hoped would be a limit of permisos and mules! As we were headed out we spotted some nice relief on the scope in about 75' so we decided to take a closer look we hunted the area for about an hour, pulled some nice fish out, one of the boyz saw a few nice kings in the 75# range,and a nice gag in the 30# range- and another shot a nice Cero mackeral.
Well we got to our spot out in federal waters and dropped in...and were happily greeted by fish everywhere...we moved fast as daylight was a burning and spearfished a bunch a fish adding to our already heavy cooler including a couple of high 20#'s permits ( a new PB for one of the crew) and mules (yellow jack)...we wrapped it up by 6'ish and hauled in. Ahhhhhh a solid 10 hours of spearfishing...thats what I'm talking 'bout!...... ohhhhh and the final tally, alot of fish!
Now, ain't that just a Tale?

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