Went out with a couple of spearo's this Tuesday (12/29/08) over to Long Key...what a great day spearfishing with some great guys! NOAA said it would be under 5mph winds, and although it was gusting in the early a.m (15mph) and bumpy headed out (4-5' waves) it laid down around noon...vis was amazing top to bottom everywhere which is not to common in Long Key...current was slow, very lazy, even at our famous snapper ledge...we also scouted some new spearfishing spots that might be quite good for the summer spearfishing adventures. Saw a few nurse sharks no bulls...surprisingly we didn't see any "huge" fish but plenty of legals, hundreds of hogs everywhere, and a bunch of 20-23" blacks. Climax was a huge kingfish that Jim speared and shook off his speargun, oh well we'll gett'em next time Jimbo...arrivato
Here's a baracuda I speared or should I say, ran into my shaft...fought him for about 15min and he went airborne 3 times before he was strung, goota add that my low profile floatline I'm prototyping performed like a champ too!...cudas makes great crudo, and escabeche...and yeah, yeah chum/shark bait too.
note the big smile which was triggered by the big Yellow Jack, that was stoned...Gotta say the carbon wood custom guns I'm making are lethal...WTG Jim!

a black and toad red all part of our spearfishing trip, courtesy of Long Key
A half days bounty...gotta love them keys.
Till next spearfishing report, tight bands, straight shafts, and smooooooooth triggers!