Lazaro Caberera 30- fish 117.28- lbs 147.28 pointst
Longfins 2
Harolf Dean 27- 120.07- 147.07
Miami Freedivers 1
Miguel Guinovart 23- 108.23- 131.18
Miami Freedivers 1
Osmany Cuellar 27- 104.11- 131.11
Miami Freedivers 2
Michelle Lechuga24- 103.25- 127.25
Miami Freedivers 2
Julian Cruz 21- 82.22- 103.22
Longfins 1
Sergey Lopez 26- 75.16- 101.16
Longfins 3
Erick Salado 17- 83.08- 100.08
Longfins 3
Alex Bristo l7- 74.2 87.18
Longfins 1
Vladimir Baguer 21- 64.17- 85.17
Miami Freedivers 2
Pablo Rojo 17- 64.16- 81.16
Miami Freedivers 3
Julio Nunez 13- 66.2- 79.2
Longfins 2
Eric Fazzi 17- 59.24- 76.24
Leo Ramos 15- 56.2- 71.2
Andrew Geist 14- 55.23- 69.23
Palm Beach Underwater
Scott Turgeon 15- 53.02- 68.02
Palm Beach Underwater
Frank Fornaris 10- 59.25- 67.16
Miami Freedivers 3
Tony Miranda 13- 53.08- 66.08
Longfins 1
Dennis Haussler 12- 49.12- 61.12
Longfins 3
Jose Santeiro 17- 39.1- 56.1
Miami Freedivers 1
Santiago Alvarez 10- 43.1- 53.1
South Florida Freedivers 1
Keaka Ching 8- 40.1- 48.1
Extreme Divers
Rosibel Molina 10- 37.2- 47.2
Miami Freedivers mixed 1
Roberto Ramos 12- 35.11- 47.11
Longfins 2
Adel Sotolongo 11- 35.09- 46.09
Miami Freedivers mixed 1
Matt Brueckner 8- 35.2- 43.2
Luis Perera 11- 30.22- 41.22
Manuel Menendez 7- 34.03- 41.03
South Florida Freedivers 3
George Gonzalez 7- 33.21- 40.21
Extreme Divers
Manny Dobal 8- 30.1- 38.1
South Florida Freedivers 2
Manny Diaz 5- 42.05- 36.04
South Florida Freedivers 1
Joe Fernandez 9- 24.09- 33.09
South Florida Freedivers 2
Pablo Edo 7- 24.15- 31.15
Miami Freedivers 3
Jon-Michael Degidio 2- 22.06- 24.06
Palm Beach Team 3
Bill Ernst 7- 13.09- 20.09
GLACD mixed 1
Ed Walker 4- 15.03- 19.03
Alexander Morato 5- 13.2- 18.2
SFF mixed Team 1
Octavio Soler 4- 12.22- 16.22
South Florida Freedivers 1
Amanda Ernst 4- 7.17- 11.17
GLACD mixed 1
Pedro Querejeta 4- 5.14- 9.14
South Florida Freedivers 3
Paige Latterner 2- 7.02- 9.02
SFF mixed Team 2
Carlos Armstrong 2- 6.15- 8.15
South Florida Freedivers 2
Larry Trespalacios 2- 6.07- 8.07
Extreme Divers
Carl Starling 1- 6.1- 7.1
SFF mixed Team 2
Fabricio Bueno 2- 5.05- 7.05
Palm Beach Underwater
Steve Schrader 1- 6.02- 7.02
Palm Beach Team 3
Robert Little 1- 4.1- 5.1
Palm Beach Team 3
Gaincarlo Fernandez 1- 4.07- 5.07
SFF mixed Team 1
Manny Chica 2- 3.01- 5.01
South Florida Freedivers 3
George Lyn 2- 2.22-4.22
Palm Beach Team 2
William Carpenella 1- 3.06- 4.06
Palm Beach Team 2
Blake Gaylord 2- 2.06- 4.06
Mens teamsMiami Freedivers 272 fish- 271.53 lbs 343.53 pointsMiami Freedivers
Miami Freedivers 167- 267.4- 334.35
Miami Freedivers
Longfins 255- 218.59- 273.59
Longfins 355- 207.36- 262.36
Longfins 151- 209.59- 256.48
MDC 43- 145.66- 188.66
Midwest Dive Council
Miami Freedivers 34- 147.5- 179.47
Miami Freedivers
Palm Beach Underwater 31- 113.3- 144.3
Palm Beach Underwater Hockey
South Florida Freedivers 19- 97.37- 105.36
South Florida Freedivers
Extreme Divers- 17- 79.38- 96.38
Extreme Divers Council
South Florida Freedivers 19- 60.34- 79.34
South Florida Freedivers
FSDA 14- 52.29- 66.29
Saint Petersburg Underwater Club
South Florida Freedivers 13- 42.18- 55.18
South Florida Freedivers
Palm Beach Team 14- 32.18- 36.18
Palm Beach
Palm Beach Team 3- 5.28- 8.28
Till next spearfishing report, tight bands, straight shafts, and smooooooooth triggers!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
2011 Spearfishing Nationals update.
Quick update on the Spearfishing Nationals, this year held in Tavanier Key weather seemed to hold out, and conditions were good, word of mouth is viz was hazey to gin clear, BUT fish were scarce. I hope to drive down manana, weather permitting (its blowing hard outside now). Score thus far for the Nationals has Miami Freedivers 37 total fish 138.22 lbs totaling 175.22 points, followed by the Broward Longfins 27 fish totaling 101.13 lbs and 128.13 points, and running in third is Miami Freedivers 27 fish totaling 97.03 lbs and fetching 124.03points.
Individual competitors ranking in this years 2011 Spearfishing Nationals:
Lazaro Caberera 14 fish 63.14lbs 77.14pts
Longfins 2
Lazaro Caberera 14 fish 63.14lbs 77.14pts
Longfins 2
(photos courtesy of , check them out too great gear, prices and CS)
this has probably changed as of this writing though, you can follow it here another
helpful link Stay tuned....

Thursday, July 28, 2011
Mini Season Day 2
Just got back from another torturous day bugging ;) It was rougher today than yesterday, but a lot less bug busters out on the water- we managed to fill the cooler in under 2 hours and all the bugs were very decent, and quite a few where girls (more so than yesterday). We found a nice grass ledge, with hundreds of bugs and a metal plate of sorts that was staked with bugs too. Also saw a nice big fat red with 2 antennas hanging out of his mouth....I know where he lives.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
First Day Mini Season
Well I hesitantly went out today for a short run outa Blackpoint. I generally don't do the Florida mini season, simply because its crazy out there...but after 20 invites, 12 bribes, 7 blackmails, and a twisted arm a succumbed to a short run, very short-out at 10'ish, in by 12'ish. It was rough out there winds were in the 20'ys, water was surprisingly clear, and very warm...too warm. Within a couple of hours we filled our limit, and headed back in. We saw lots of weekend warriors doing some crazy shiat, lots of law enforcement doing their stuff,

and a whole crew of biologists where set up doing their thing at the marina, seems we have a real healthy bug population, with males being predominant (at least for our batch)
....headed to Publix for some unfiltered butter, and fresh garlic ;)
and a whole crew of biologists where set up doing their thing at the marina, seems we have a real healthy bug population, with males being predominant (at least for our batch)
Got Tail- PART 2- Florida Lobstering

Part 2 getting some tail. Quite a few methods for lobstering are commonly used.

1) tickle stick and net
In this method you simply find a bug, usually under a ledge or rock, using your tickle stick (which is generally any type stick, often transparent), to tickle the bugs tail with, forcing him to exit the hole- at this point you tap him gently on the horns to get him to crawl back into your net, which was prepositioned when he crawled outta the hole

2) Snare or loop
this is similar to a tickle stick but it has a loop of heavy nylon or coated cable that wraps tight around a lobsters tail, same process as above, first use the device as a tickle stick, once the bug is outta the hole, loop his tail and pull taught. Quite a few variations of the loop have been invented the latest is an automatic trigger release type that seems pretty cool, I have yet to try one.

3) Bull netting
This method is the number one method for night time lobstering, while on the boat with high output lights you search for bugs, usually on the flats or grass beds, when one is spotted you place the net over it and in its attempt to high tail out he gets all tangled in the net, at which point you quickly snap him onto the boat, A lot of guys swear this is the number one method for getting big bugs, prime time is 12-5am after that the bugs start to hole up
4)Mano a Mano
Heavy gloves and a quick hand is all thats needed, hence the least expensive of all the methods, but a low percent success ratio. I know a few guys that fetch their limit every time with this simplest of methods nonetheless.

Where to find them-
Florida Spiny lobsters havwe a lot of different habitats, alot of divers look for them in reef structure that has lots of rocks and holes, sure the frequent this type structure, but you can also find them on small ledges, with a sandy bottom. Often bugs are on grass ledges, that is those thick ledges of sea grass that end abruptly where the sand starts, Then their is the tires, steel plats, cynder blocks and even submerged pipes that are often loaded with thing is for sure bugs like structure, so find the structure and you'll find the bugs!

No doubt Florida has some great tail....enjoy it and DIVE SAFE ;)

Till next spearfishing report, tight bands, straight shafts, and smooooooooth triggers!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Got Tail- PART 1- Florida Lobstering

Well its here....just 30 minutes away and the OFFICIAL Florida lobster mini (also referrred to as the "sport" season) season begins!!!!!
I thought I'd go over a few of the Florida spiny lobster rules, regulations, and quota as well as a few tips and methods on catching bugs (what Florida Lobsters are often referred too), as well as a few great lobster spots and waypoints.
Lets start with the season dates this year it begins July 27-28, 2011. for the record Mini Season always starts the last consecutive Wednesday and Thursday of July each year. So today July 26, at 12:01am (makes it July 27) it officially begins. After the lobster mini season the regular Spiny Lobster season begins, those dates are August 6, 2011 - March 31, 2012.
Aside from your Saltwater fishing license you need to purchase a Florida Spiny Lobster stamp in order to legally harvest bugs in Florida.

How many lobsters can you catch and how many can you have in possession? Lobster bag limits are 6/person/day for Monroe County and Biscayne National Park, and 12/person /day for the rest of Florida, simple enough. If you are not in Biscayne National Park, say you are around Hallandale Beach then you can snare up to 12 lobsters. If you are off of Elliot, east of the islands that puts you in Biscayne National Park so you quota would be 6 lobsters...and if you decided to go lobstering in Tavanier Key then yep, you'd be able to bring home 6 bugs.
Possession limit - on the water: equal to the daily bag limit. Now I'm no attorney by any means, but this thing on "possession" limit can be pretty simple and just as well as complicated as you want to make it. Here is an overview- Possession limit is the lobsters YOU have caught and now legally have in your possession, be it 6 or 12 (depending where your at), and on the first day of lobster mini season you can only have 6 or 12, on the water and/or while your driving home. Now on the second day your "on the water" limit will be 6 or 12, but your possession limit would be 12 or 24 (2x6=12, or 2x12=24)-in other words double the daily bag limit on the second day.
Its very important on these 2 days of mini season to adhere to the possession limits on and off the water, as most of the Marine law enforcement agencies are in full force! Now I know I mentioned that it could get complicated and here is where it can- How many of you bring the wife, the kids, the aunt and the suegra out on the boat, get'em each a license and stamp and wallah your limit just went up to 30, 40 even 50 or more bugs right- nope WRONG! quoted from the regulation "bag limits are only for properly licensed individuals and those people exempt from license requirements who are actively harvesting. People harvesting may not exceed their individual bag limit and take someone else's bag limit. That is, people (including children) who are not actively harvesting or are not properly licensed (if a license is required) may NOT be counted for purposes of bag/possession limits." So if you have 6 people on board make sure you have the proper equipment, and attitude to show anyone watching at a distance (as often happens) that everyone that has a lobster stamp is "actively" persuing the spiny critter...sure this can be a grey area, but at then end of the day if your fined (and they can be hefty)whether you fight it in court or not, its a headache, that can easily be avoided- at the end of the day its just a bug.

OK moving right along minimum size limit must be larger than 3" carapace. Pretty simple get your lobster gauge stick it between the horns if the back end fits into the carapace (where the "hard end" or head ends, and tail begins)its a shorty put him gently back in the water. Keep in mind ALL bugs must be measured in the water. Which means you need to have a measuring device in your possession at all times. I carry a lobster gauge looped on my snare or tickle stick and have a spare looped on my weight belt, just to be on the safe side.

Prohibitions this section is pretty huge, and its usually the area that most everyone will screw up at one point or another. Harvest of lobster is prohibited in John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park during the mini season. Harvest is also prohibited during both the 2-day mini season and regular season in Everglades National Park as well as the the Biscayne Bay-Card Sound Lobster Sanctuary. The sanctuary boundary extends from the northern edge of Matheson Hammock Park east to the southern tip of Cape Florida (Key Biscayne). From Cape Florida it runs south to Soldier Key then along the eastern high water line of Soldier Key, the Ragged Keys, Boca Chita Key, Sands Key, Elliott Key, Old Rhodes Key,
Swan Key, Palo Alto Key, and Angelfish Key to the southern edge of Pumpkin Creek. It turns north and then south, running along the high water line of Key Largo, following the western shore of Pumpkin Creek, the southern shores of Angelfish Creek and Little Pumpkin Creek, andthe eastern edge of Card Sound to the Card Sound Bridge. From the Card Sound Bridge it runs north along the western high water lines of Little Card Sound, Card Sound, and Biscayne Bay to the northern boundary of Matheson Hammock Park. All natural, artificial, and tidal creeks between the islands and along the mainland are included in the Sanctuary and are closed to lobstering.
Lobsters may be taken east of the islands during the legal seasons, except in the Legare Anchorage where swimming, snorkeling, and diving is prohibited year round.
Legally taken lobsters may be transported through the Sanctuary as long as no one from the boat is overboard (in the water) while inside the Sanctuary. Dry Tortugas National Park (referred to as Ecological Reserves), and no-take areas in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (marked by 30" diameter round yellow boundary buoys)as well as Sanctuary Preservation Areas(SPAs,)and Special-use Research Only Areas which appear on all GPS's
So thats about it...lets just say you have the "cliff Notes" version if you wanna get down to the nitty gritty follow the links below and fill in anything i may have left out
Till next spearfishing report, tight bands, straight shafts, and smooooooooth triggers!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Quick Detach Weights-3things, 3tools, 30minutes
Here is a quick DIY project, for anyone who wants to adjust weights on their spearfishing weight belt- quick and easy.
You'll need 3 "things"
a-Cotter pins about 1.5"
b-Rubber 3/8 tubing about 6" (will vary depending on type of weight)
c-Epoxy (I like G-flex for this project)
3 tools
a- Drill
b-Drill Bits
c-Dremel or File
30 minutes
Thats about how much time it should take to pull this DIY quick detach weight system together.
1-Drill 2 holes on the top (or bottom) of the weight and 1 hole on the opposite end, deep enough to fit about an 1" of the cotter pin
2-Clean up the holes with a file or dremel tool
3-Fit your cotter pin into the first 2 holes, a 1/2" should protrude
4-Mix your epoxy (I used about a drop of each per hole) and fill the hole
5-Put your cotter pin back in, pull it up and down a few times to get a good even distribution of poxy
6-While that is curing get your 6" piece of tubing open the cotter pin (the one going into the singular hole), and push the tubing to the end then tie it with a constrictor knot, nip it neat,

7-Once the first 2 holes are set,flip it around and do the same process for the other singular hole (that has the cotter pin with the rubber tubing) and let it set.
8-After its cured overnight, place the lead where you want it on your belt and pull the tubing around, engaging the 2 cotter pins-finito!
This sim
ple DIY works pretty good! The weights sit right where you put them, an
d the rubber tubing also helps keeping the dive belt from shifting around your waist.
Till next spearfishing report, tight bands, straight shafts, and smooooooooth triggers!
You'll need 3 "things"
a-Cotter pins about 1.5"
b-Rubber 3/8 tubing about 6" (will vary depending on type of weight)
c-Epoxy (I like G-flex for this project)
a- Drill
b-Drill Bits
c-Dremel or File
30 minutes
Thats about how much time it should take to pull this DIY quick detach weight system together.
1-Drill 2 holes on the top (or bottom) of the weight and 1 hole on the opposite end, deep enough to fit about an 1" of the cotter pin
2-Clean up the holes with a file or dremel tool
7-Once the first 2 holes are set,flip it around and do the same process for the other singular hole (that has the cotter pin with the rubber tubing) and let it set.
8-After its cured overnight, place the lead where you want it on your belt and pull the tubing around, engaging the 2 cotter pins-finito!
Till next spearfishing report, tight bands, straight shafts, and smooooooooth triggers!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
AssKickin' day yesterday
Woke up all sore yesterday (yep started working out again), kicked my ass out bed at 5am, got our ass kicked headed outa the bay (bad sign to start with) everywhere we dropped the low viz kicked our ass, 2-3' swells kicked our ass, ripping current kicked my ass, no fish in site kicked my ass, gusting wind kicked our ass, and drive back at 6 knots (engine acting up) entertaining 3' chop (in the bay) with nagging "salt spritz" kicking my ass....yep all in all it was a KICK ASS day.
note to self- take a look at the bouys before headed out in the am...even if you'gills'be dry for over a week
Till next spearfishing report, tight bands, straight shafts, and smooooooooth triggers!
note to self- take a look at the bouys before headed out in the am...even if you'gills'be dry for over a week
Till next spearfishing report, tight bands, straight shafts, and smooooooooth triggers!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Enclosed Track Hybrid Euro Speargun- first of its kind? Part1
Speaking of which alot of great guns were at the Expo and from the looks "anorexic spearguns" seems to be catching on, I think alot of wood/composite gun makers are trying to get the manuevarability of a pipe gun with the benefits of wood-at least thats how it all started with me a few years ago, when prototyping various designs till finally creating the HalfBreed.
The wood type spearguns have a few benefits as well which makes them also very popular with a lot of spearfisherman (and women)- For one wood is quiet, a wood speargun has very little if any metal clanking against the shaft (or reef), making it quieter than metal guns like the Mako spearguns, Jbl spearguns and Riffe metaltech spearguns. Wood is bouyant, more so than metal. Bouyancy is important in a gun(I will add that not all guns need to float- even though alot of spearos insist that a gun float with the shaft out- this is not always the case depending on what/where you are hunting. I'll talk about this more in another thread). Ok so why is bouyancy important? A speargun that floats will allow you to add ballast (fancy for weight)exactly in the area it needs it most not so much to "balance" the gun, more so to tame the spearguns recoil and shaft whip. I'm often surprised to see speargun builders novice and experienced alike put lead plugs along the entire speargun barrel's length "balancing" the gun throughout, ultimately making it negative...sinking completely horizontal, although it looks cool, its not the best way to ballast a speargun for optimal results e.g. best accuracy, most consistent accuracy, least recoil, and least shaft whip- these are the important factors when ballasting a speargun.
If a speargun is ballasted correctly shaft whip will be minimized. Shaft whip is the inertia caused when the speargun's bands,shaft, and muzzle react. Think of a rifle. When you shoot a rifle the recoil causes the front of the barrel to jump up, this is exactly what happens with a speargun...but the results are a bit different. When the speargun's shaft leaves the muzzle, the tailend of the shaft is lifted (due to the upward momentum of the muzzle)as it exits the muzzle, this inturn causes the shaft to move at an angle downward, resulting in a low shot- most guys who's spearguns are shooting low think they need to power up on the speargun bands, when in actuality they are more than likely overpowered! Of course, the shorter the barrel of your speargun, the more exaggerated the whip will be. Again using a firearm as our example, if we shoot a handgun you notice a more exxagerated whip of the handguns barrel compared to a rifle, this also applies to spearguns. We all want a short speargun (easier to maneuver) that shoots far (heavy bands or lots of bands or both)but having the best of both worlds is tricky, very tricky.
To help spearo's attain more power, in a shorter gun- the Enclosed track came to be. An enclosed track is a channel that runs from the muzzle to the trigger, in which the
shaft is "enclosed" in (think of a rifle barrel). Many wood guns have the facilty to incorporate this in their design so you'll see many custom wood guns in enclosed tracks (this is very different than a rail, often found in pipe (Euro) spearguns. A rail is just that, a long groove in which the shaft sits atop, the shaft is NOT enclosed, it just rests on the rail).
Basically the enclosed track will tame the tailend of the shaft as it exits the muzzle so you can power up the gun while keeping shaft whip to a minimal. Another surprising observation is that most gun builders will open up the front 2-4" of a guns barrel (muzzle area), although I will if asked to, this will actually defeat the purpose of the enclosed track, as those 2-4" are the most vital to prevent the tailend of the shaft from dipping.
To help spearo's attain more power, in a shorter gun- the Enclosed track came to be. An enclosed track is a channel that runs from the muzzle to the trigger, in which the
Basically the enclosed track will tame the tailend of the shaft as it exits the muzzle so you can power up the gun while keeping shaft whip to a minimal. Another surprising observation is that most gun builders will open up the front 2-4" of a guns barrel (muzzle area), although I will if asked to, this will actually defeat the purpose of the enclosed track, as those 2-4" are the most vital to prevent the tailend of the shaft from dipping.
All these factors where important considerations when I set fourth designing the HalfBreed speargun-ease of maneuvarability, quick tracking, accurate, minimal recoil, quick loading, and quiet. Plus a few extra perks to make it the complete weapon for hunting the ocean. Stay tuned for Part 2 where I'll talk about the HalfBreed's Euro design coupled with wood and carbon fiber all inside an enclosed track.
Till next spearfishing report, tight bands, straight shafts, and smooooooooth triggers!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
The BlueWild Expo, Miami's best spearfishing show!
Till next spearfishing report, tight bands, straight shafts, and smooooooooth triggers!
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